
Our website was the first Internet page for LGBT believers in Russian language. Initially, website held the ministry for LGBT Christians. Now we try to reach different religious groups. Website has a lot of materials regarding the attitude of different religions to sexual orientation and gender identity in affirmative way.

Seminars and training sessions

We hold regular seminars, panel discussions and trainings on the issue of LGBT and religion for different target groups, including LGBT activists, LGBT believers and other interested individuals.


Our experts participate in the events organized by our partners, e.g. LGBT cinema festival “Side by Side”.

Pastoral care

Individual consultations regarding self-acceptance, coming-out, relations with congregations, affirmative theology.

Meetings of LGBT believers group

We gather in St. Petersburg every week in the community center of «Centre Action» group. We welcome everyone who is willing to communicate with tolerance and respect to other points of view. On our meetings we share stories from our life – important and interesting, read books that we find interesting and discuss them. We try to read it regularly and discuss. We also spend time in prayer when everyone prays in the most convenient and usual tradition for every one of us.

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